Physics & Caffeine
This animated film was directed by Charlotte Arene during an internship at our lab. She worked with physicists from our team and from the lab to try to describe together what physics is about, using a cup of coffee. This film was shot image by image during three months, with more than 5000 pictures !
Some pictures of the shooting.
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This work was the result of a collaboration between Charlotte Arene who studies animation at ENSAD, Julien Bobroff, Frédéric Bouquet, Wiebke Drenckhan and Frédéric Restagno from LPS (Orsay), with the help of Rosalie Loncin. It benefited from the support of the Chair « La Physique Autrement » led by Fondation Paris-Sud and sponsored by Air Liquide. We wish to aknowledge Matthieu Lambert and Héloïse Chochois.