The Hairy Nobel

In 2016, the Nobel Prize was awarded for “topological phases in matter”. The subject is very difficult to explain, so we tried to make it an animated film! Welcome to a strange world full of quantum physics, electricity, magnetism and even oceanography. This short film also offers another look at science, showing how a simple little curious experience eventually generates a whole field of research. Here you can also download two posters from the same graphic world that tell the topology and how science is done.  You’ll also find lots of pretty pictures on these topics to reuse in your own lessons or conferences. And as a bonus, a short making-of.

In 2016, the Nobel Prize was awarded for « topological phases in matter ». This subject is very difficult to explain, so we tried to make it an animated film! Welcome to a strange world full of quantum physics, electricity, magnetism and even oceanography. This short film also offers another look at science, to show showing how a simple little curious experience will eventually generates a whole field of research. Here you can also download here two posters from the same graphic world that tell the topology and how science is done. You’ll also find lots of pretty pictures on these topics to reuse in your own lessons or conferences. And as a bonus, a short making-of.

The movie

This movie got the prize of the audience at the festival “Rencontres Internationales Sciences et Cinémas” in 2021.

The making of

The posters

Les coulisses

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This film was directed by Charlotte Arene, in collaboration with Julien Bobroff (Physics Reimagined, Paris-Saclay Univ), David Carpentier and Pierre Delplace (ENS Lyon, Lyon University, CNRS). It has been supported by Labex PALM (Paris-Saclay University) and the ToRe IDEX Lyon project.


Realization: Charlotte Arene / Screenplay: Charlotte Arene and Julien Bobroff / Animation: Charlotte Arene and Rosalie Loncin / Narration: Julien Bleitrach / Sound design and music: Yohan Boisgontier and Olga Pasternak / Poster design: Charlotte Arene and Rosalie Loncin


A big thanks to David Carpentier, Pierre Delplace, Vincent Klein, Nathalie Lidgi-Guigui, Frédéric Bouquet and Aude Caussarieu.


Cinéaste d'animation
Cinéaste d'animation