Physics Reimagined

  • is about physics and research
  • creates new forms of science popularization
  • reaches out to different audiences
  • develops collaborations and an interdisciplinary network
  • uses a work method based on sharing

Since its creation, Physics Reimagined has grown into

  • more than 300 projects
  • close to 400 conferences
  • 14 exhibits
  • 12 million views on Youtube
  • 1.3 million visitors on the website
  • a dozen of new teaching methods
  • a dozen of research articles

Our latest news

Le GR Quantique

The immersive exhibition “Le GR quantique” is back this September at Val Fleury, in Gif-Sur-Yvette. As a bonus, another exhibition on quantum levitations.

workshop en immersion

We hosted student designers for a week for an intensive workshop on the theme: how to welcome new entrants to university? Immersion, visits, testimonials, prototyping, creation… find out what they have imagined here for a truly different start to the university year.

Une conférence à choix multiples

Designer Juliette Nier just finished her residence in the team. Amongst other projets she designed a multiple choice conference she named “Quantum Bifurcations” where the audience votes for the path the conference is going to follow ! It has been held at the LUMEN Paris-Saclay and in Rennes, watch it here.