The Nano Factory

This tool will allow you to present different aspects of the world of nanophysics: the clean room and its  different zones, lithography, the characterization tools, some of the related research areas, and some applications through the example of the smartphone. Just as in a board game, you will find boards and cards for free download and print.

It’s up to you to choose what to present, the order, the duration and to invent the ways to interact with the public. You can even use it in a conference with a webcam moving on top of the cards. Anothe simple way is to use the graphics of the project for your presentation or to use the 4 posters for a short exhibit.

In short, you are the master of the game!

A full example of how to use the tool (in French)

The downloadable posters of the exhibit

This project is the result of a collaboration between Clara Hinoveanu and Zoé Lemaire from the DSAA “Design d’illustration scientific” of Ecole Estienne, the “Physics Reimagined” team (LPS, Univ. Paris- Saclay) and Nathalie Lidgi-Guigui (Univ. Paris 13). It benefited from the support of the « Physique Autrement » chair, held by Paris-Sud University and supported by the AIR LIQUIDE Group.

We would like to thank for their participation in the project and their invaluable advices : Jeanne Solard (Centrale de proximité en nano- technologies de Paris Nord), Raphaël Weil and Frédéric Bouquet (LPS, Orsay), the “Atelier central de reprographie” of science faculty at Orsay, Frédéric Hamouda and Bernard Bartenlian (C2N), Hervé Dole (IAS, Orsay), Nicolas Pineros (LudoMaker, Univ. Paris 13) and Matthieu Lambert (Ecole Estienne).

Image credits : Richard Deblock, Raphaël Weill, LPS CNRS Photothèque, Jeanne Solard, Nathalie Lidgi-Guigui, Intel, Guillaume Baffou, Jean-Yves Chauleau


graphiste et illustratrice scientifique
graphiste et illustratrice scientifique
Physicienne, Maîtresse de conférences à l'Univ. Paris 13