Quantum popups : graphene
Quantum pop-ups ? The framework.
Students in scientific illustration have collaborated with a physicist around four major discoveries of quantum physics: the transistor, graphene, Bose-Einstein condensates and new superconductors. For each discovery, they decided to create a laboratory pop-up and a poster in the same graphic style, inspired by the years when the discovery took place. Here is the result. Download – Print – Cut – Tape – Read – it’s done. For you, for your class, for your friends … Click on the discovery of your choice.
This work is the result of a collaboration between students of the DSAA de Design d’Illustration Scientifique of Ecole Estienne and our team. A project initiated by Matthieu Lambert (Ecole Estienne) and Julien Bobroff (Université Paris Sud). Thanks to all teachers of the DSAA : Antoine Barnaud, Michèle Mabille, Alain Bouaziz, Sterenn Bourgeois-Heudiart, Charlène Letenneur.