How to make sound visible? The film SA-ONDE tells the story of a sound wave through 6 scenes. Thanks to small tangible objects, you will discover the invisible world around you, when you speak, when you shout, when you sing, and even when you go into space.

Behind the scenes

This project was designed by Wonjin Park during an internship in the “Physics Reimagined” team (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS).


Graphic object, staging, images, sound effects created by Wonjin Park.


Screenplays, filming, editing with the invaluable help of Julien Bobroff and Lou-Andreas Etienne.


Thanks to all the actors/assistants: Julien Bobroff, Frédéric Bouquet, Lou-Andreas Etienne, Camille Debard, Eliott Pananceau, and Alice Normand.


It benefited from the support of the “Physique Autrement” Chair of the Paris-Saclay Foundation supported by the Air Liquide group and Crédit Agricole – CIB. It was produced in the premises and with the technical resources of the Centre d’Expérimentation Pédagogique of the Villebon – Georges Charpak Institute.


Many thanks to Julien Bobroff, Frédéric Bouquet, and Lou-Andréas Etienne.

