Two teams compete with their smartphones in the the days of the cavemen ! A ready-to-play game, from 2 to 10 players, which will show you that your smartphones are much more than you think!
To use the game, you must download the free app “Phyphox” and print one of these documents
Le jeu en diaporama
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This project was created by Agathe Lacombe and Iris Laumer, in collaboration with the team “Physics Reimagined” (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS).
It benefited from the support of the Chair “La Physique Autrement” carried by the Paris-Saclay foundation supported by the Air Liquide group.
Thank you to the Center d’Expérimentation Pédagogique of the Villebon-Georges Charpak Institute for its welcome.

DSAA Espace, Evénementiel et Médiation, Ecole Boulle

DSAA Espace, Evénementiel et Médiation, Ecole Boulle