Low cost optics
The Workshop
During a workshop in collaboration with a physicist, students in digital creation had to design four devices using smartphones or tablets and involving “traditional” optics. Their goal was to discover the effects of physics to the general public while trying a kind of “cheap” science, namely put in place a simple, effective and surprising effect.
The four devices
This workshop was realized within the framework of DSAA Design of Digital Creation of the Ecole Estienne. He was mentored by Florence Jamet-Pinkiewicz, Eric Boisseau, Mehdi Hercberg and Patrick Pleutin in collaboration with Julien Bobroff from the team “La Physique Autrement” (LPS, University Paris-Sud, Paris-Saclay).
The students : Les étudiants : Grégoire Ormières, Alice Sanz, Nathan Agranat, Sylvie Nguyen, Bernadette Kalaj, Théo Rocquancourt, Alice Herbreteau, Marion Robin, Nicolas Christmann, Charlene Brun, Clara Schoenlaub et Solène Lombard