Open Tp website
The website comes from a teaching program at Paris-Saclay University. Drawing inspiration from the practices of design schools or art schools, this course proposes physicist students to make their own Students’ Lab. After an initiation in the form of challenges and games, they have to design and build their experimental setup, then analyze the results, in five days. It is an initiation close to the research process, which renews the vision that students have of experimental physics: more creative but also riskier and with unexpected outcomes!
This site allows the sharing of original educational materials (the sheets) and the sharing of physics projects led by students (tutorials), so that a community of users can develop around these new approaches of physics.
The website allows you to quickly create graphical tutorials for scientific projets.
Arduino Sheets
These sheets let you discover the Arduino microcontroler, for physics projects or just for fun!
These sheets are available in French and English.
Related projects
This web site proposes a synthesis of various of our projects.