microscopies: cartography of an invisible world
Microscopies ? The framework
Nine students in science illustration were asked to explain four types of modern microscopes in new means. They ended up into four new formats : panorama, augmented reality, hands-on cubes or vintage computer. For each, you can downlad a Do-It-Yourself version that you can print and build.
Cartography of an invisible world : the project of Héloïse and Mathilde
Héloïse and Mathilde have drawn a large banner to tell the story of atomic force microscopy in an imaginary and poetic world. From left to right, it evolves from a delirious universe to the real microscope whose principle is revealed. On the back, a free interpretation of what the microscope tries to measure: the relief of the material.
You can watch a part of the banner in this video, but better download it to discover it in its entirety and, why not, print it to expose it in the format that suits you best.
The panorama

The DIY panorama version to cut and assemble or in jpg image