A dressing room for discoveries
Encounter, flashback, cliffhanger, stress… What if all the pieces of what makes a story were to be put together in a dressing room ? Wouldn’t it make all anecdotes fascinating, even the physics ones !
A range of mischievous and quirky objects, with colours reminding those of puppet theatre, that drag you into science stories. To start with, let’s see how the laser was invented. Hush now, it’s starting…
The entire collection

Behind the scenes
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This project was created by Lisa Dehove, during a residence program in the “Physics Reimagined” team (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS).
Object design, video editing, voice : Lisa Dehove
Concept : Lisa Dehove, Julien Bobroff and Lou-Andreas Etienne
It benefited from the support of the Chair “La Physique Autrement” of the Paris-Saclay foundation and supported by the Air Liquide group and the Crédit Agricole – CIB.
Thank you to the Centre d’Expérimentation Pédagogique of the Villebon – Georges Charpak Institute for its welcome.