The One Square Meter Museum
This device offers a new way to show contemporary content and science. It is composed of nine cubes, the nine rooms of a museum, which we discover one after another in an intimate and interactive relationship. The first exhibition, “Quantum Matter”, gives to see and understand the matter and the atoms that compose it, the recent researches in the field and the concrete applications. Among other things, it uses the creations of young designers produced in collaborations with physicists to show this quantum material and its spectacular properties, such as superconducting levitation.
The trailer
Create your own exhibition :
BONUS : a DIY 10 cm2 museum !
If you are interested in using this mini-museum, do not hesitate to contact us.
This project is the result of a collaboration between the designer Alexandre Echasseriau and the physicists Julien Bobroff and Frédéric Bouquet from the team “La Physique Autrement” (CNRS and University Paris-Sud / Paris-Saclay). Graphics: DaFox. Scenography and mediation were done by Lou-Andreas Etienne (Ecole Boulle). Images: CNRS photo library. This project was supported by Labex PALM (Idex Paris-Saclay) and Air Liquide via the Paris-Sud Foundation.