Embedded with physicists

Héloïse Chochois is a young illustrator who spent four months in the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides. There, she lived with the physicists, the researchers, the students, and the PhD students in order to capture the many facets of this world. She attended an experiment at a Synchrotron, followed a physics course, lived for a few days with a PhD student in a lab, attended conferences, and shared a lot more moments of the physicists’ life. And there is the result: a nine episodes comic book as well as an exhibition that you can use freely!

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Scenario and Illustrations: Héloïse Chochois, in collaboration with Julien Bobroff and Frédéric Bouquet from the “Physics Reimagined” team, LPS (Université Paris-Sud et CNRS).
Production: The “Physics Reimagined” team, LPS, Université Paris-Sud and CNRS
Acknowledgments: Charlotte Arene – Lorène Champougny – Pierre Février – Philippe Hollander – Vincent Jacques – Matthieu Lambert – Claire Laulhé – David Le Bolloc’h
Sylvain Ravy – Janet Rafner – Frédéric Restagno – Julien Schmitt – Les étudiants de l’option vulga du Magistère de Physique – Le DSAA DIS de l’Ecole Estienne.
This work benefited from the support of the “Physics Reimagined” Chair sustained by the Fondation Paris-Sud and supported by the Groupe Air Liquide.
Copyright : exhibit under licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND.


DSAA DIS, Ecole Estienne