designers and physicists : instruction manual
How to make designers collaborate with physicists? Through different subjects that surround us in our daily lives such as heat, time or waves, discover the “behind the scenes” of a project linking complex physics, fast prototyping and design methodology.
Far from the cliché of the white coat and the beautiful chair, these projects invite you to discover how these two worlds come together to save the world and explore other ways of perceiving and understanding our daily lives.
Experience a science-design collaboration live...
Science-design collaborations: instructions for use!
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Science-design collaborations: instructions for use!
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explore if you are curious!
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Behind the scenes
This project was created by Lucien Icard, in residence in the “Physics Reimagined” team (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS).
It benefited from the support of the “La Physique Autrement” Chair of the Paris-Saclay Foundation supported by the Air Liquide group and Crédit Agricole – CIB as well as Quantum-Saclay. It was carried out in the premises and with the technical resources of the Center for Educational Experimentation of the Institut Villebon – Georges Charpak.
Many thanks to Julien Bobroff, Frédéric Bouquet, and Lou-Andréas Etienne.