A découvert

With the science illustrator Julie Sistenich, we have developpe a new way to show scientific articles. The article is magnified and presented through small pop-ups which display the underlying physics. Two discoveries were used as examples : the invention of the tunneling microscope (STM) and its use in nanoscience, and the invention of super-resolved microscopies (STED) and its use in biology. (Sorry but the contents are in french)

The full video (in french)

This project was created by Julie Sistenich during her diploma at DSAA de design d’illustration scientifique of Ecole Estienne in collaboration with J. Bobroff from the “Physics Reimagined” team (Université Paris-Sud et CNRS). Thanks toValérie Nicolas (IPSIT) and Yves Noat (INSP) for their precious help.


DSAA DIS, Ecole Estienne