This website was created during the “Reimagine Physics Teaching” workshop, which gathered physicists from all around the world. For two weeks, the participants discussed their ideas and practices, not only theoretically but mostly in action !
Creating prototypes, building experiments, gathering the best references, drawing maps… That is precisely why this website was made, to share all this content with you, hoping it will inspire you for your own teaching.
The workshop was created and organized by an enthusiastic team made of Julien Bobroff, Frédéric Bouquet, Lou-Andreas Etienne and Adèle Nyitraï from the “Physics Reimagined” team (Univ. Paris-Saclay and CNRS), Jeanne Parmentier from the Institut Villebon-Georges Charpak, and Fabienne Bernard from the Institut d’Optique.
It was hosted by the Institut Pascal at Universite Paris-Saclay and supported by the “Investissements d’avenir” program (ANR-11-IDEX-0003-01)
The website was designed by Lou-Andreas Etienne, Adèle Nyitraï and DaFox.